Monday, January 31, 2011

Monthly Art Give Away - February

February ~ 'Dreams'
GiveAway Runs February 1/11 - February 28/11
~Free to enter~


3" x 3" x .5"
Mixed Media on stretched canvas (Acrylic & Rhinestones)
Miniture wooden frame easel included and painted white

Mandatory Entry
Leave a comment telling me what this painting inspires in you!  *Please leave your email address in comment if it isn't visible in your profile*  This entry must be done first before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
*You MUST leave a separate comment for each extra entry for it to count ~ 1 ENTRY = 1 COMMENT*
+1 Follow Oddball Art Co. via Google Friend Connect
+1 Give Oddball Art Co. a heart on Etsy
+2 Leave a comment on the Official Oddball Art Co. Webpage
+3 Visit my Etsy Shop and tell me something you like
+3 Add my button to your blog and leave link
+5 'LIKE' Oddball Art Co. on Facebook
+5 Follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter
+8 Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your post in the comment
+10 Purchase something from Oddball Art Co. on Etsy

(1 comment = 1 entry)

*If you don't follow the mandatory entry your extra entries will be disqualified*

Winner will be picked by a random number generator from and the winner will be emailed and posted on this site.  Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email or another winner will be chosen.
This giveaway will close at Midnight est. on Februay 28, 2011 and is open to participants of all ages all over the world.
(Family members are excluded from entering this giveaway :( So sorry.)


Cinda said...

This painting takes me to a early spring morning, complete with a beautiful sunrise, a sparkling dew on the newly formed spring buds, and a graceful butterfly enjoying the start of a wonderful day.

cinda at

Tatter Beans said...

Makes me think of the vibrancy of Autumn ...

BonAndChi said...

this painting gives me a feel of freedom and joy with lots of fire aura!! (like in the comic books when the character charges up for super move! e.g. dragon balls)

it also makes me feel like eating oranges! X3 but i think that's 'coz i'm a little hungry at the moment~ (>.<;)


BonAndChi said...

I like this from your shop~ :D

Amerissa G said...

My moto is " It's not a sin to dream but It's a sin to let others control your dreams.." so dream means a lot to me :)
and this painting can make me feel secure, warmth and alive :)

a00ame00a at hotmail dot com

Amerissa G said...

I am a hearter of your etsy for a long time :)
and i love this one :)

i must have put you in one of my treasuries too :P

Amerissa G said...

I am a blog follower :)

Amerissa G said...

I am following you on twitter :)
as amerissag

Amerissa G said...

I left you a comment on your site :)
as amerissag

Amerissa G said...

I am a facebook liker of you :)
you can find me as amerissa desoulew :)

Amerissa G said...

i bloged about it :)

Amerissa G said...

and here is my purchase from you :)
i wish i could buy the love paintings but the only money i had was 4 euros :P

Anonymous said...

The painting inspires me to just go out and enjoy the nature and life!

vena.nedkova at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you via gfc!
vena.nedkova at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I hearted your shop on etsy!
vena.nedkova at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the Stormy Day painting from your shop.

vena.nedkova at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This inspires me to keep creating. Even when things don't turn out like I planned. Even when I'm stuck. Keep on keeping on!
mahgwi21 (at) yahoo

Birgit said...

This painting reminds me of spring and almost makes me want to get out my spring clothes, but then of course it's still too cold! But to look at it and have spring in my heart is almost as good :-) !

danaan at gmx dot at

Birgit said...

Hearted your shop (BLehner)!

danaan at gmx dot at

Birgit said...

I really like this beautiful painting ! #1

danaan at gmx dot at

Birgit said...

I really like this beautiful painting ! #2

danaan at gmx dot at

Birgit said...

I really like this beautiful painting ! #3

danaan at gmx dot at

Unknown said...

This sweet painting inspires me for the summer dreams!!!

Thank you for the chance!


Unknown said...

Following Oddball Art Co. via Google Friend Connect!


Unknown said...

I hearted Oddball Art Co. on Etsy!(oksana2372)


Unknown said...

I love Heart Ornaments - Animal Print!!!



Unknown said...

I love Heart Ornaments - Animal Print!!!



Unknown said...

I love Heart Ornaments - Animal Print!!!



Unknown said...

I am already your Fan on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)


1st entry

Unknown said...

I am already your Fan on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)



Unknown said...

I am already your Fan on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)



Unknown said...

I am already your Fan on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)



Unknown said...

I am already your Fan on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)



Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter!



Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter!



Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter!



Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter!



Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter!



Cinda said...

Following Oddball Art via Google Friend Connect.

Cinda said...

I am a big fan of yours on facebook.

Cinda said...

I have ♥'d almost your whole etsy shop and ♥'d your shop as a favorite.

Cinda said...

You can bet that your grab button is on my blog.

Cinda said...

I have 'liked' you on facebook, duh...

Amber said...

I heart your Etsy shop - my Etsy name is Hurdler4eva
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I love your custom pet portraits!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I love your custom pet portraits!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I love your custom pet portraits!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Oddball Art Co on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Oddball Art Co on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Oddball Art Co on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Oddball Art Co on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Oddball Art Co on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

TopHat said...

I've really been into tree motifs lately and that's the first thing I saw in that. We all need a reminder of where we came from.

hrfarley at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like how creative it is - makes me hope for an early Spring.
jswandrn at gmail

Diana Dang said...

Inspires me to be at peace. Do something that is relaxing and fun.

faked_sugartone at hotmail

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of drinking a cold Orange Crush on a hot summer afternoon!

annemarie562000 said...

It inspires a new beginning!


annemarie562000 said...

I follow via GFC.


annemarie562000 said...

I love the Original Acrylic Painting - Stormy Day. Post 1.


annemarie562000 said...

I love the Original Acrylic Painting - Stormy Day. Post 2.


annemarie562000 said...

I love the Original Acrylic Painting - Stormy Day. Post 3.


annemarie562000 said...

I like Oddball Art Co. on Facebook. (Annemarie Zito) Post 1.


annemarie562000 said...

I like Oddball Art Co. on Facebook. (Annemarie Zito) Post 2.


annemarie562000 said...

I like Oddball Art Co. on Facebook. (Annemarie Zito) Post 3.


annemarie562000 said...

I like Oddball Art Co. on Facebook. (Annemarie Zito) Post 4.


annemarie562000 said...

I like Oddball Art Co. on Facebook. (Annemarie Zito) Post 5.


annemarie562000 said...

I follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter. Post 1.(annemariez3)


annemarie562000 said...

I follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter. Post 2.(annemariez3)


annemarie562000 said...

I follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter. Post 3.(annemariez3)


annemarie562000 said...

I follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter. Post 4.(annemariez3)


annemarie562000 said...

I follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter. Post 5.(annemariez3)


Linda B said...

It reminds me that each day is a new beginning and to love life.

Linda B said...

I'm following you on G Connect

Linda B said...

I like this and gave it a heart

Linda B said...

I'm following your blog at Facebook

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey ;o) First I will tell you, that this painting inspires me to live! I see life in it! Love the painting! I will continue, with what I have to do for the enteries, later on, I'm just going out the door! Take Care!

Magic Love Crow said...

Ok, I am back, you have hearts from me on your items in your shop ;o) And, you know you are in my favourites and in my circle ;o)

Magic Love Crow said...

My favourite painting in your shop right now, is the two cats painting, looking at the zebra moon!! I'm looking at that one ;o)

Magic Love Crow said...

I'm sorry I don't belong to facebook or twitter.

Magic Love Crow said...

I did purchase something ;o)

Magic Love Crow said...

And, I don't know if this counts, but, I do have you have under my favourite Etsy shops on my blog ;o)It's a link to your store ;o)

angelself said...

This beautiful painting reminds me of March winds in early Spring =)

Belle said...

It makes me smile, like a warm feeling bubbling up to the surface.

Belle said...

I followed you on twitter

Belle said...

I Heart you in Etsy

Belle said...

I 'like' you in facebook

Belle said...

My fav product from Etsy is

Belle said...

And I left a comment for you on your main website

Anonymous said...

This painting inspires me because of the rich warm colors that surround the tree. I am a nature lover so for me this painting is BEAUTIFUL!

Sunshineshelle said...

Love the futuristic flowers with butterfly still fluttering around the vine wrapped bare tree branches :)

skipthelaundry said...

Inspires me to get up early and start my day!
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

heart on etsy
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like the original painting odd ball girls no. 2 Cameo (1)
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like the original painting odd ball girls no. 2 Cameo (2)
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like the original painting odd ball girls no. 2 Cameo (3)
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like you on facebook 1
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like you on facebook 2
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like you on facebook 3
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like you on facebook 4
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

like you on facebook 5
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

follow on twitter 1
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

follow on twitter 2
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

follow on twitter 3
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

follow on twitter 4
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

follow on twitter 5
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

The contrast of the colors used and the movement and curves of the lines makes it look like something out of a dreamscape. :)

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Following via GFC.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Hearted on etsy as Magnolica.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Left a comment on the website.

Post 1 of 2

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Left a comment on the website.

Post 2 of 2

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

At your etsy shop, I like this piece:

Post 1 of 3

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

At your etsy shop, I like this piece:

Post 2 of 3

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

At your etsy shop, I like this piece:

Post 3 of 3

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Your button is here:

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so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Your button is here:

Post 2 of 3

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Your button is here:

Post 3 of 3

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on FB as Andreia Sousa.

Post 1 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on FB as Andreia Sousa.

Post 2 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on FB as Andreia Sousa.

Post 3 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on FB as Andreia Sousa.

Post 4 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on FB as Andreia Sousa.

Post 5 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on twitter as my_wunderkammer.

Post 1 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on twitter as my_wunderkammer.

Post 2 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on twitter as my_wunderkammer.

Post 3 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on twitter as my_wunderkammer.

Post 4 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I like you on twitter as my_wunderkammer.

Post 5 of 5

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 1 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 2 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 3 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 4 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 5 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 6 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 7 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...


post 8 of 8

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

What do I feel watching this painting? I am lying on the pasture, seeing details of grass, flowers, scrub... and the sun is setting down, so night buterfly starts its flight.
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This painting makes me feeling *movement* and makes me feel Tall! :) It inspires me to get up~! :)

thanks for the giveaway

ecodog at live dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like you on FB (Lubka Kotmanikova) 1
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like you on FB (Lubka Kotmanikova) 2
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like you on FB (Lubka Kotmanikova) 3
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like you on FB (Lubka Kotmanikova) 4
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like you on FB (Lubka Kotmanikova) 5
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I follow you on twitter (Lubaska) 1
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I follow you on twitter (Lubaska) 2
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I follow you on twitter (Lubaska) 3
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I follow you on twitter (Lubaska) 4
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I follow you on twitter (Lubaska) 5
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

Ive hearted etsy shop (ID Lubaska)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like Original Acrylic Painting 'Oddball Girls' Series No.3 'Pandora'
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I like other Original Acrylic Painting 'Oddball Girls' Series Beladonna too
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

And I like Original Acrylic Painting - A Love Story First of this Series. thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

The beautiful fiery color inspires me to be more bold.
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

GFC follower
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

hearted your shop as alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

1 I love the OOAK Original Hand Painted Journal 'Trippy Mushroom' from your shop
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

2 I love the OOAK Original Hand Painted Journal 'Trippy Mushroom' from your shop
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

cerena leigh said...

Music inspires me. When I can't write, I put on my favorite songs and I magically can write the most amazing pieces!

Cerena Leigh

SweetShenanigans said...

3 I love the OOAK Original Hand Painted Journal 'Trippy Mushroom' from your shop
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

1 twitter follower @Alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

2 twitter follower @Alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

3 twitter follower @Alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

4 twitter follower @Alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

5 twitter follower @Alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

1 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

2 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

3 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

4 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

5 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

6 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

7 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

SweetShenanigans said...

8 blogged:
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I think of a sunset during the fall months while sitting on my back deck drinking a cup of hot tea. I also like 'A Love Story 5 - Love Doves'. I am following.

Hippie Chic Jewelz said...

Elizabeth from Oddball Art Co. is one of my favorite artists! The attention to detail in her artwork, the time and love she puts into each and every work of art she creates is breathtakingly gorgeous! I am in awe of her talent, her imagination when it comes to creating beautiful works of art!