Title - Snowman Serenade
Size - 11" x 7"
Medium - Watercolor and Ink on hot pressed watercolor paper
Of course the watermark in the pic above will NOT be on your original painting!
Of course the watermark in the pic above will NOT be on your original painting!
Welcome to my Christmas 2014 Giveaway!!! I am trying something new this time around with the Rafflecopter, I hope this makes things easier for everyone but please let me know either way in the comments below what you think? Does the Rafflecopter improve my giveaway from before or did you like the old format better?
I will draw the winner on Christmas Eve exactly 3 weeks from today.
Have fun!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
2014 Christmas Card sets are now available in my Etsy Shop and all 10 designs can be viewed easily as well as read the poems I wrote for the insides on Flickr!
2014 Christmas Card sets are now available in my Etsy Shop and all 10 designs can be viewed easily as well as read the poems I wrote for the insides on Flickr!