This is a cause that couldn't be more dear to my heart!!! I have shed many tears and sat and pondered of what I could possibly do to help these poor innocent beings when it finally came to me......
I have created a brand new Digital Stamp Set of 4 totally cute seals and I will be donating 100% of the sales of this Digital Stamp Set only split between IFAW and PETA to go towards ending this barbaric Annual Seal Slaughter once and for all!!!!!
For this reason I hope you can understand that coupon codes CAN NOT be accepted for this Stamp Set only so if you plan to purchase it along with other products and use a coupon code please check out with this stamp set separately from the rest of your order, the seals and I thank you sooooooo much for understanding!!!!!!
CLICK HERE to purchase this Charitable Digital Stamp Set!
If you look over to your right hand side of this blog you will see at the top of the page a big green thermometer, this will keep track of total funds raised for the seals!
If you would like to read more and find out what you can do for the seals and this horrible atrocity you can visit (WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS AT THE PETA LINK) PETA and IFAW!
I would also like to share the letter I received from IFAW regarding the Annual Seal Slaughter here in Canada...
Dear Lizzy,
The memory of "the waving seal" still haunts me.
The sun was brilliant
that early spring day. We were documenting the hunt - filming from a helicopter
- as a sealing vessel bore down on a group of seals.
The sealers began
shooting the seals, and then beating them, and hooking them to drag them to
their boat so they could skin them.
The seals were stacked in the boat
in a bloody, lifeless pile.
That's when I saw the waving
At first I thought he was dead too. He lay on his back on
the bottom of the boat, cut open by a knife from his throat to his belly, his
eyes to the sky - like he was looking straight at us.
Then he waved his
flipper. Just once at first, then over and over. It was as if he was saying to
me "please help me, please help me."
I watched in anguish as the boat
motored on ... and still the seal's flipper waved. The sealers kept shooting and
clubbing seals and throwing them in the boat ... and still his flipper waved.
Then finally, mercifully, the waving stopped.
The fight to end this cruel hunt needs
Tens of thousands of seals will be slaughtered in this
year's hunt. That's a staggering number of animals.
In fact, the number
is almost overwhelming to me. But then I think about the waving seal. And I
remember that
every seal, every single one, is a living and breathing
being - capable of fear, of suffering in agonizing pain, and of caring
so dearly for their young as they nurse them on the ice.
You've taken
action for animals in need.
Can you help us stop this cruel seal
I can tell you how it's an economic loser -
over 30 years of government subsidies, resulting in the waste of tens of
millions of taxpayers' dollars, has failed to create a viable sealing
And I can tell you how
it is impossible to make the
seal hunt humane. Shooting seals from a moving boat, then hooking them
in the face, while still alive and conscious - this is what we've documented and
passed on as proof of the hunt's inherent cruelty.
And I can tell you how
you have enabled us to make
such progress in closing down markets for
seal products. You've helped achieve bans in Russia and throughout the
EU, and your support is now helping us engage in the ongoing legal challenge
before the World Trade Organization to uphold that EU ban and keep this market
closed for good.
But today I mainly wanted to tell you about the waving
Waving to me in anguish. Waving in hopes of mercy. Waving for us to
Please help by making a donation
today. We CAN win this fight to save innocent seals.
But we
need you.
Sheryl Fink
Wildlife Campaigns Director, IFAW
P.S.: Every single seal's life matters. Please don't let their deaths
be in vain. By making a gift now,
you can help us stop this
slaughter once and for all and help us give care and comfort to
animals around the world.