
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 15 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

I finished this at like 4:30 am last night and was exhausted so I just went to bed and am posting it now today, but it is face no. 15 for yesterday.

Where'd I Go?
5" x 4"
fabric paint and fabric markers on broad cloth

He said not to worry
he said not to cry
he'd be back in a hurry
didn't even need to try

That magician just left
that magic trick of his
this is body theft
I know that it is

So I wait in this hat
so scared and alone
to have my body back
then I can go home
~ Lizzy  Love

1 comment:

  1. So enjoying your faces! Here is the linky to mine - Love that they have poems with them too, nice work


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