
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

21 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Well it is clear that I have fell quite behind on this challenge, I intend to finish it though even if it takes me into March!

For number 21 I took a break from the fabric and fabric paints and jumped back into my acrylics and inks on a 16" x 16" x 1.5" gallery wrapped canvas. The poem for this one is written into the painting, just a short one and it is titled "Set Yourself Free." I have been getting the same question over again since I posted this earlier asking me if I painted everything including the background or if it was mixed media and the answer is yes I painted the entire piece,  every last detail!  I start with a blank canvas and many many layers of acrylic paints and inks til I have what you see below.  I hope that clears up any questions about this one and if it doesn't feel free to post your questions or comments below and I will be sure to answer them or you can always shoot me an email which you can find the address at the bottom of this post, I am always happy to receive emails and answer them all! 

Set Yourself Free
16" x 16" x 1.5"
acrylic & ink on canvas

Set yourself free
be unique to you
let everyone see 
your beautiful & true!
~ Lizzy Love

Prints will be available in my Etsy Shop today and if you would like purchasing info on the original email me at oddballart (at) hotmail (dot) com

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 17, 18 & 19 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Just catching up, been way too busy lately so here's my day 17 , 18 & 19...

Perch to Land
6.5" x 5.5"
fabric paint on broad cloth

The birds fly free
always a perch to land
the wind blows the tree
making it hard to stand

The heart starts to crack
so alone for so long
can they stop the attack
with their beautiful song

The skies so gray
making it hard to bare
such a gloomy day
lost in a distant stare
~ Lizzy Love

Blue Zombie
6.5" x 5.5"
fabric paint on twill

She's so blue
better then green
still staying true
to the zombie queen

Big blue eyes
black n white stripes
still alive when she dies
but not that ripe

She's awfully pretty
for being undead
the baddest in the city
you heard what I said
~Lizzy Love

Raver Zombie
6" x 5"
fabric paint on broad cloth

Shes the party girl
til the very end
lights and music 
just around the bend

She'll sweat and dance
the whole night away
taking a chance 
on a bump of K

The laser lights
amazing sounds
all these sights
lift her off the ground

Party all night
at the undead Rave
when morning comes
she'll dig her grave
~ Lizzy Love

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 16 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Day Dreams
6" x 5"
fabric paint and fabric markers on broad cloth

All alone she sits
in the afternoon sun
day dreams fill her mind
of all that shes done

A life so fulfilled
every wish has come true
what more can she want
what more can she do

In her day dreams
she's the girl with it all
wishing it were reality
its a wish that's so tall
~ Lizzy Love

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 15 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

I finished this at like 4:30 am last night and was exhausted so I just went to bed and am posting it now today, but it is face no. 15 for yesterday.

Where'd I Go?
5" x 4"
fabric paint and fabric markers on broad cloth

He said not to worry
he said not to cry
he'd be back in a hurry
didn't even need to try

That magician just left
that magic trick of his
this is body theft
I know that it is

So I wait in this hat
so scared and alone
to have my body back
then I can go home
~ Lizzy  Love

Friday, February 15, 2013

29 Faces Challenge ~ Catching Up

Since I missed a couple of days do to personal reasons I needed a way to get caught up so I came up with a painting that I could get 3 faces done in one.  

Bunny Girl
5" x 4"
fabric paint on broad cloth

She loves her bunny so much
she wanted to look just the same
and feel just as soft to touch
as the bunny that had no name

Sonny or Buddy wouldn't do
they just sounded too funny
so when they asked her who
she would just say her pet bunny
~ Lizzy Love

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 11 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Bulls Eye
5" x 4"
fabric paint on broad cloth

Looking for love
in all the wrong places
like the white dove
in all the wrong spaces

then comes loves arrow
shot through the heart
like the poor little sparrow
shot with the dart

it happened at dawn
the bulls eye was hit
white became the black swan
and they knew that this was it
~ Lizzy Love

Prints of this piece wont be available in my Etsy Shop til Wednesday.  Thank you for looking! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 10 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Sing Me A Song
5" x 4" 
fabric paint on broad cloth

Nothing she enjoys more
then the music to her ears
always behind closed doors
all throughout the years

In the shower she sings
all alone is when she tries
never hitting the notes stings
so she just cries and cries

She hears the pretty bird sing
as she longs to carry a tune
hearing those notes ring
will it be her turn soon?
~ Lizzy Love

Check my Etsy Shop tomorrow for prints of this piece.  Thank you for looking! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 9 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

only 20 more to go!

Black Beauty
6" x 5"
fabric paint on broad cloth

She's sewn back together
completely up tight
emotions trapped inside her
deep and out of sight

She put a pad lock on 
and threw away the key
her feelings are all gone
can't you see

She's so full of fear
expectations are running high
such a poor little dear
so afraid she might die
~ Lizzy Love

as with the others before this, prints of this piece will be available in my Etsy Shop tomorrow.  Thank you for looking! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 8 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Damsel In Gold
4" x 5"
fabric paint on broad cloth

Eyes behold
can't you see
this damsel in gold
staring at me

I try to run
and try to hide
she has me stunned
like I've died

so captivated 
by her brown eyes
never jaded
its my demise
~ Lizzy Love

Prints will be available of this piece in my Etsy Shop tomorrow. Thank you for looking!  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 7 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Well I started out painting todays face on a piece of broad cloth with fabric paints with the intention of using the painting to make another cell phone case however I ended up spending way more time on it then originally anticipated so I in no way shape or form want to sell this for $22.99 especially after putting in the added hours of making the cell phone case so I am just going to make prints of it and put the original for sale in my Etsy Shop.  The good thing for whom ever buys it is that it is done on fabric with fabric paints so they could potentially use it as functional art if they wanted to, sew it to a shirt, bag, or whatever they want to sew it to really.  

Tale Of A Dark Princess
5" x 4"
fabric paint on broad cloth

Surrounded by darkness 
encompassed with fear
paralyzed with fright
for what might be near

Fantasies consume her
every forbidden thought
for her that's the appeal
she might just get caught

She's the dark princess
all dressed in pink
with the darkest of dreams
anyone could think
~ Lizzy Love

The original and prints will both be available in my Etsy Shop tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 6 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Here is day 6 of the 29 Faces Challenge done on broad cloth with fabric paints and markers.  Not sure yet if it will fit for a cell phone case, it may be a wee bit too big so if that is the case I will have to figure out something else to make with it, would gladly love to hear suggestions in the comments below.

I will share photos of whatever I make out of it here tomorrow added to this post. Thanks for looking! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 5 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

I am doing yet another cell phone case with face #5 lol so this one is also done in fabric paint on broad cloth.  I will let you in on a little secret.....  I LOVE to paint with fabric paints on fabric so you will likely see a lot of it! lol  

Here are the pics of the finished cell phone case...

I will also be offering prints of this one in my Etsy Shop tomorrow as I did with yesterdays face, I just need to take a high quality photo of it with my camera as the scans aren't good enough for print quality and as for tonight I will turn this painting into a cell phone case and will add pics of the finished case to this post tomorrow.
Thanks for looking! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 4 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Continuing on with the same path I have taken right from day 1 my face for today was done on a piece of broad cloth in fabric paints and I will be making a cell phone case out of it tonight and I will add the pics of the finished case to this post tomorrow.  

Here are the pics of the finished case, the pink felt that is lining the case is much more pink then it looks in the photos, for some reason it was coming out looking rather red to me....

Its not yet in my Etsy Shop because I am being very conflicted at the moment over whether I should keep it or sell it, I really want it soooooooooo bad but I SHOULD sell it, what to do what to do! lol

Thanks for looking! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 3 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

I did todays face in the same way as I did yesterdays, painted with fabric paints on fabric so that I can sew it to another cell phone case that I am making.  I add the pics of the finished case to this post tomorrow once it is done.  I already added the pics of the finished case done with yesterdays face to the last post if didn't yet see it.  I dont like how the colors have been coming out in the scans so the pics of the faces on the finished case look much more true to life as far as the color goes.  Anywho, enough blabbing lol  here is face #3...

Thanks for looking, I will be back tomorrow with face #4!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

29 Faces ~ Day 2

As I did yesterday with my first face I decided to do another painting on fabric to make another wallet however when I finished painting it and cut it out I realized that it ended up being a tad to tall to fit on the wallet that I have designed so I guess my options are either redesign a new wallet that it will fit on or I was thinking it would be the perfect size to design a cell phone case to sew it onto.   I think I am leaning towards the latter but I would love to hear your thoughts....

Here is my painting done with Pebeo fabric paints on a piece of linen fabric

Whatever I do decide to make out of it I will add the pics of the finished piece to this post tomorrow as I did with yesterdays.  Thank you for looking!

Here are the photos of the cell phone case I decided to make out of this yesterday, I am very conflicted over whether or not to keep the case for myself or put it in my etsy shop for sale?  what to do what to do.... lol

The photo of my painting looks much better and more true to life then the scan of it that I posted above yesterday btw.

Friday, February 1, 2013

February Give Away

"The Wind"
Original Acrylic Painting
acrylic on stretched canvas 2" x 4" x .25"
signed and dated on side

Mandatory Entry
Leave a comment telling me what this painting inspires in you! *Please leave your email address in comment if it isn't visible in your profile* This entry must be done first before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
*You MUST leave a separate comment for each extra entry for it to count ~ 1 ENTRY = 1 COMMENT*
+1 Follow Oddball Art Co. via Google Friend Connect
+1 Give Oddball Art Co. a heart on Etsy
+2 Leave a comment on the Official Oddball Art Co.Webpage
+3 Visit my Etsy Shop and tell me something you like
+3 Add my button to your blog and leave link
+5 'LIKE' Oddball Art Co. on Facebook
+5 Follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter
+5 Join  Oddball Art Co. mailing list
+8 Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your post in the comment
+10 Purchase something from Oddball Art Co. on Etsy (purchase must be made while the give away is posted)

(1 comment = 1 entry)

*If you don't follow the mandatory entry your extra entries will be disqualified*

Winner will be picked by a random number generator from and the winner will be emailed and posted on this site. Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email or another winner will be chosen.

This giveaway will close at 11:59pm est. on February 28, 2013 and is open to participants of all ages all over the world.

(Family members are excluded from entering this giveaway :( So sorry)

29 Faces ~ Day 1

For my first face I decided to get two birds stoned (my version of "kill 2 birds with one stone lol) I wanted to make another wallet today so I decided to paint a face to sew onto the wallet that I am making and therefor in doing so get my face #1 done and my wallet done all at the same time!  

I just finished painting the face and now just need to sew the wallet together with the face on it.  I will be posting pictures of the finished wallet tomorrow.

I painted this face with Pebeo fabric paints onto a piece of linen fabric, heat set it and then stitched it to a pink piece of felt.  

and here is the wallet that I created out of it...

Thank you for looking! :)

Bunny Skully Accessories Case/Wallet

I am excited to introduce a brand new product that I have added to my Etsy Shop today and am currently in the process of creating more in the similar style!

This hand painted wallet/case was completely designed and made by me here in my studio.  It measures 7.5" wide by 4" tall, fully lined in pink felt with a velcro closure and a button on the front for design.   Perfect for a variety of uses, anything from money and credit cards to make up or glasses, you decide!

The bunny on the front of the case was hand painted with the finest of fabric paints and heat set so it will last forever without fading or peeling as long as it is properly cared for.   I also sewed a large pink felt heart on the inside and a smaller one on the back.
 You can find this creepy yet cute little case for sale in my Etsy Shop!