For the second year in a row I am back again to participate in the 29 Faces Challenge for February! I enjoyed it so much last year that when I saw it come up again I couldn't resist. For those of you that missed it last year it is a challenge to create a face a day for everyday in February and since last year there were 29 days it made it a wee bit easier then I guess it will be this year with only 28 days. That is ok, I know I can do it! lol
You can follow the above link to get to the challenge blog where you will find links to all of the participants and their faces. There were so many wonderful artists participating last year with so much amazing artwork, I just cant wait to see what is going to be created this year!
You can follow this link 29 Faces 2013 to see all of my challenge faces for this year and if you would like to see any of last years for those that may have missed it just follow this link 29 Faces February 2012.
I will be back later today with face number 1! See you soon and Happy Creating!
Great to see you again doing this challenge!