

"They're vivid and striking acrylic paintings. Each includes a sign of life usually from nature -- even a moody, dark scene just may include a bright touch of colour." ~ Ted Whipp The Windsor Star

"If there were awards given for best TH seller, you would surely make the TOP 3! 
I simply love your art work and have already hung all 3 of them. And, that little extra you put in your packaging is most appreciated. I wish you much well deserved success." -Tophatter Customer

"Beautiful piece and awesome seller! I love Lizzy's art and she delivers fantastic service too, I always receive my orders quickly and with discounts when we can combine shipping. Keep up the great work Lizzy!" -Tophatter Customer

"YAY! Another to add to the collection! My daughter said "That's the bestest thing I ever had! Thanks!" LOL Kids are awesome. Also thanks for the second coupon, too! I'll be keeping an eye out for more!" - Tophatter Customer

"EEEEEE!!! Thanks again! I LOVE your work and so does my 3 1/2 year old daughter! These are all going in her room, she is by far your biggest fan!! I always stalk auctions looking for your prints, too :) Now I get to go frame shopping LOL" 
-Tophatter Customer