Canadian Seals need our help!
That's how many baby harp seals the Canadian fisheries minister has said that sealers will be allowed to bludgeon or shoot to death this year. These sensitive, social animals will be horrifically killed—often while other seals watch and wail in terror. Seals can be legally killed in Canada when they're just weeks old, and most will be stripped of their skin before they reach 3 months of age.
I could continue on for pages and pages about the atrocities committed each and every year here in Canada but that would get very depressing and make me sad and you sad and then there will be crying involved and we dont want that, so lets keep this a happy place and I will give you some links at the bottom of this post to explore on your own time. I warn you to prepare youself for what you will see if you click these links, it is graphic, horrific but worst of all it IS HAPPENING! We cannot turn a blind eye to these atrocities, we need to stand up and be a voice for these innocent beings that cant speak for or defend themselves against humanity!

Over the coming weeks the Oddball Design Team will be creating all kinds of fun samples to inspire you with, using my SAVE THE SEALS DIGITAL STAMP SET 100% of proceeds from the sale of this stamp set will continue to be donated to IFAW's Canadian Seal Campaign! Thanks to all of the hard work so far the hunt is currently at one of its lowest points in history, successfully closing markets for seal products in the European Union and Russia, we need to continue to ensure that new markets do not open up elsewhere in the world and keep up the fight til it is officially illegal to murder a seal here in Canada!
Check out the Thermometer on the right to see how much money we have raised so far!
100% of funds from the purchase of this Seal Stamp Set will be donated to IFAW
My DT Member Granne not only has created some beautiful cards with these stamps but she also created a "Sealed with a Kiss" sentiment that you can download for FREE from her blog! So be sure to stop by there and scoop that up as well as check out her fabulous makes!
If you do create a project with these Seal Images do not forget to enter it in this months Oddball Stamps Blog Challenge as the theme is "For A Cause" and entries will be accepted thru til April 14th at 10pm est. #OddballartChallenge
I will be back on April 30th to share with you all of the fun projects that my team came up with over the coming weeks, as well as make the announcement of how many funds we are able to raise between now and then (you can keep an eye on that by watching the thermometer above and its also posted to the right on this blog.
and best of all after finding out just how passionate my design team members are about animals as I am (awesome sauce!) This is only the first of many of this type of event to come!
So when I come back on April 30th I will also announce what animal we will be "saving" next. (we are currently voting on it lol)
Here are those links I was talking about earlier....
Thank you for stopping by today!
Lizzy xo