
Monday, January 27, 2014

Fun With This Art Thing

I must say, it feels SOOOOOOO good to be back in my studio making art again every single day!!!  Oh how I missed this!!  

I wrote a new poem a couple of days ago to put in the "about" section of my Youtube Channel, I would like to share that with you now.....

Big eyed beauties painted up on the surrealistic canvas

sad eyed vixens evoke such a bittersweet sadness

bunnies and pandas so unbearably cute

in this studio we never put the music on mute

lots of pink and teal too

more neon colors and glitter glue

kawaii creatures pull at your heart strings

Im pretty sure anybody can have fun with this art thing!

~ Lizzy Love

I have also added a few new Digi Stamp Designs to my Etsy Shop over the last couple of days, I'm really excited about them and can't wait to start putting them into my own paintings! (really soon!!!!)  In the meantime they are all available on Etsy for instant download and you are welcome to use them in your own artwork however you like.

I really feel that this Digi Stamp project is really helping me to grow as an artist in so many ways!  Sometimes challenging, but all the time rewarding!! 

If YOU have any ideas for Digi Stamps that you would like to see me create feel free to let me know in the comments below!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Slumber Party Zombies

Sleeping bags in hand
they arrive one by one
5 best friends
the parties begun!

dressed in their pj's
they stay up all night
telling ghost stories 
and one pillow fight

truth or dare time
the girls will spill all
a little vodka and lime
there's no tale too tall

stories about creeps 
see who's got more
while dreaming of crushes
they love and adore!
~ Lizzy Love


Now available on Etsy click HERE

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Last Painting of 2013

As a raw vegan surrounded by all of the holiday cooked turkeys, ham, beef and chicken I felt inspired to paint this final painting of 2013 with a strong message that means a lot to me....

You can find this painting for sale in my Etsy Shop.  I am about to go and lay the first paints of 2014 down on the canvas and will be back to share it with you soon!  Thank you for supporting my art this year and looking forward to sharing more with you over the coming months.  I would love to hear your thoughts for the new year in the comments below, is there anything in particular that you would love to see me paint that I haven't done before?