Unfortunately the painting that I just shared with you a couple of days ago went up in flames last night after my cat snuck into my studio, knocked the painting off of the shelf and down onto a tea light candle I had burning on the little table below. I was in my studio when this happened which is why all I lost was the painting and not the entire house so I guess I can be thankful for that and also be thankful that I had already made prints and have the digital image to continue to make prints of this painting before it had happened. Is there a lesson to be learned here? Well, I have given this some thought and I am really not quite sure, I could live my life in fear and never burn candles ever again, get rid of all pets cuz who knows what could happen. None of these things sounds logical to me and I think I just need to chalk it up to Shit Happens! So I will continue to burn candles because they smell pretty and as always be as careful with them as humanly possible and as for the pets, they can stay because I cant imagine a life without them, I love them way too much despite what they may destroy of mine. Maybe I just need to be even more careful when entering and leaving my studio that nobody has snuck in below my feet when I come and go; and I will live to paint even more paintings despite what could happen to them after I've painted them.

May 2013
Mixed Media Original
prints available @ www.oddballartco.etsy.com
As for the other painting that I had shared with you a couple of days ago, the very beginning stages of, it looked like this the last time you saw it
I have got quite a ways further on it though not quite complete yet but I do have some more up to date pics of what it looks like right now
I haven't yet decided on a name for this one hopefully I will have that figured out by the time I finish it. Have any suggestions for me? In case you can't yet tell from the pics the girl is going to have 2 little mice friends that are hanging out in her long hair. She will also be wearing mice ears on her head as well. This painting is another mixed media painting, so far I've used acrylic paint, india inks, distressed inks, watercolor pencils, a page out of an old book, tissue paper, pink tulle, iridescent medium, super heavy gloss medium, modge podge, smooch shimmer pens, smooch shimmer spritzers and that is all I can remember using at the moment lol Im sure that list will grow by the time I finish this one.
Those of you that are artists as well, have you ever had art that you created be destroyed right before your eyes right after creating it? I am curious to hear your related stories ♥