
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Art Party & New Art

I know I have been absent for quite a while now and I am sorry about that, I have been sick for quite some time and had to take a little bit of time off to get better.   I am feeling much better now and trying to get caught up.  If you don't already know about the Etsian Artists Monthly Art Party you can check it out HERE for March.  I did manage to get this months prompt done amazingly, the prompt was A Bazaar and this is what I came up with, I call it Dare 2 B Different it is Watercolor and Ink done on Watercolor Paper 17.5 x 12, the original is not for sale at the moment because I am using it in my upcoming Gallery Exhibition but I do have reproductions available in my Etsy Shop and on Fine Art America.

I also finally photographed some other pieces that I had finished before I got sick.  Both originals are not for sale at the moment for the same reason as above but I do have the reproductions available in my Etsy Shop and Fine Art America as well.

Big Pair
Watercolor Paper
11" x 14"

He Loves Me He Loves Me Not
Watercolor Paper
17.5" x 12"

I am going to be very busy over the next couple of weeks preparing for my gallery opening which is April 14th.  A celebration of art and women called Darling Divine Art of the Avant Garde 10% of all proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society!  I will be making a formal announcement with all the details very soon, I am just finalizing some times and then it will be posted here on my blog this week!