
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Etsian Artists Art Party

8" x 10"
Mixed Media Painting on Canvas Panel
signed, titled & dated on the back

 I created this piece for the Etsian Artists Art Party for February, the prompt was "The Moonlight."  

Etsian Artists is an awesome team on Etsy and the Art Party is something that we do monthly, each month there is a prompt and anyone who wants to participate creates something that they think represents the prompt in someway.  It is very interesting to see how everyone incorporates the prompt into what they create, especially since our team is made up of such a diverse bunch of Etsy Shops.  

If you are interested in joining in our Art Party's which are once a month,  the prompt goes out on the first and everyone has until the last day of the month to create and post their item.   You do not have to be a member of the team or even have an Etsy Shop in order to participate.  So if you would like to participate then join our mailing list HERE and you will receive the prompt delivered directly to your inbox every month.  Simply create your item inspired by the prompt and post it somewhere on the net, anywhere you like and then make your way to the Etsian Artists Blog to post the link to your item in the Art Party link up.  Its that easy! FYI You will receive all the links you need in the email with the prompt.  It`s a great way to stay inspired and creative as well as meet new people and get connected!

If you do have an Etsy Shop and want to be a member of the team then you can apply HERE.

29 Faces Challenge LAST DAY!

A Little Leprechaun
11.75" x 9"
watercolor on watercolor paper

Well its the last day of February bringing an end to the 29 Faces Challenge.  I am happy that I made it straight through to the end, maybe not quite as well as others but in my own way I believe I did accomplish it!  I am so proud of those participants that were able to create a new face and blog about it every single day of the month, that is truly an amazing accomplishment! I am also very proud of everyone involved!  I saw so much amazing, beautiful and truly stunning faces from so many extremely talented artists! I am sending a virtual pat on the back to EVERYONE involved in this challenge!!!!!  I am also a little sad that it is ending, I found this whole experience so inspiring and I will never forget all of amazingly talented new friends that I have made along the way!  So don't think you won't see me around anymore just cause its over, I do intend on stalking your blogs regularly!  That brings me to my next announcement...

The above painting of the green haired chick is my last face for the challenge and I wanted to do something special at the end of this challenge and so what I decided to do is give this last painting away to one lucky winner!!  You may already know or maybe you don't but you will in a minute lol that I have a monthly give away here on my blog every month for almost a year and a half now.  Every month I give one lucky winner an original acrylic painting done on one of those mini 3"x3" stretched canvas's that come on the mini wood easel.  So for March its going to be extra special because I have never given away a full size painting before, this will be a first.  

If you would like to put your name in the hat to win this painting just click HERE!

Also, if you would like to stay informed about all future give aways then I encourage you to join my mailing list by clicking HERE and don't worry, I don't like a clogged up inbox either so I won't clog yours up!

And that's it for now, don't be a stranger!

March Give Away

A Little Leprechaun
 original watercolor painting
11.75" x 9"
watercolors on watercolor paper
signed & dated on front
signed, titled & dated on back

Mandatory Entry
Leave a comment telling me what this painting inspires in you! *Please leave your email address in comment if it isn't visible in your profile* This entry must be done first before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
*You MUST leave a separate comment for each extra entry for it to count ~ 1 ENTRY = 1 COMMENT*
+1 Follow Oddball Art Co. via Google Friend Connect
+1 Give Oddball Art Co. a heart on Etsy
+2 Leave a comment on the Official Oddball Art Co.Webpage
+3 Visit my Etsy Shop and tell me something you like
+3 Add my button to your blog and leave link
+5 'LIKE' Oddball Art Co. on Facebook
+5 Follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter
+5 Join  Oddball Art Co. mailing list
+8 Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your post in the comment
+10 Purchase something from Oddball Art Co. on Etsy

(1 comment = 1 entry)

*If you don't follow the mandatory entry your extra entries will be disqualified*

Winner will be picked by a random number generator from and the winner will be emailed and posted on this site. Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email or another winner will be chosen.

This giveaway will close at 11:59pm est. on March 31, 2012 and is open to participants of all ages all over the world.

(Family members are excluded from entering this giveaway :( So sorry.)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 24 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Worlds End
15" x 11"
Watercolors on Watercolor Paper

As some of you may have already read in previous posts, I have been really itching lately to try my hand at watercolors.  I say try my hand at because I haven't messed around with watercolors since I was a little kid!   So I went out at the beginning of the week and bought everything I would need to get going at it and 2 nights ago I started my very first watercolor painting.  (lets just say first because I am not counting the ones I did as a little kid lol)    Last night I finished the painting I started and I will admit that it is certainly far from perfect!   However I do feel that I accomplished A LOT!  I found this to be an incredible learning experience and I think that they will only get better and better from here.  I called this piece Worlds End and I am giving it to my mother.  My mom has always loved watercolors and knowing that I promised her a watercolor painting when I set out on this venture and so I can only hope she likes it. lol  I have already started my second watercolor and I am looking forward to sharing it with you soon!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 23 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

YAY she is finally done!!!! I am soooo pleased with how this piece turned out!  The heart I was so up in the air about but I am really glad that I put it in, it really finishes it off nicely, I think.  You might notice a new little face in the picture on zombie chicks head, its a cute googly eyed little spider that has been spinning a web in her hair and is trying to yank it up top towards him.  hehehe it was my husbands idea actually, I can't take credit for it but I LOVE it, I think it adds so much more interest to the overall painting.  

Now you know what I think lol  I would love to know what you think?  

I will be taking a high res digital photo of it tomorrow when the sun comes out so that I can add the print to my Etsy shop.  The painting is just a little too big for the scanner so its actually missing a bit off of the bottom and one side, not much though.   Well, I am off to play around with my new watercolor set, since I haven't used watercolors since I was a little kid this is rather exciting for me.  I love learning new mediums!!!   I guess we will see what happens....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 21 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

I am getting there, still not done but very close, she WILL be done tomorrow!!!  I am slow but the only reason she is not done yet today is because I was working on something else as well which I just realized  has a rapidly approaching deadline and can't sit idle any longer.   I am not ready to post the other painting that I was working on though until it is completed so just this one for now and tomorrow I will be posting a finished piece..... finally!! lol

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 20 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Finally looks like I'm starting to get somewhere with this one, unh!  :)    Just about done actually, I just got started  on her hair when I decided to call it a night.  I will finish her hair tomorrow and then decide whether or not to add the broken but stitched up zombie style hearts to the painting or not.  I haven't decided yet, what do you think?  

I have to go for blood work in the morning and so I have been fasting, I hate fasting!!!  Can't wait to get it done and over with in the morning and have some breakfast!   Then I will be back home here to finish this hot zombie chick once and for all.  Can't wait because I have so many ideas pouring around my little head and I can't wait to start putting some of them onto canvas!  The other thing is I just discovered Chunky Book Pages for the first time in my life last night.  I have never heard of them before and now that I have, I can kind of feel a new addiction coming on lol kind of like the addiction I have with ACEO's already.   If you don't know what Chunky Book Pages are either, here is the description I found.  Chunky Book Pages are 4x4 pieces of art that usually have chunky bits hanging from the edge or bottom & are traded, collected & bound in books in many different ways.  Check out this link to see some examples.  I think they look really really fun, so I think I might just have to start making some of my own!

See you tomorrow!! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 19 Meet Roxy! ★☆★ 29 Faces Challenge

As promised here are the pics of the custom Art Doll I have been working on.  She is now finished and totally beautiful, here name is Roxy!   Roxy is packed and ready to go on a plane ride to her new home in California, she leaves Tuesday morning!  

In other news, my Dick Blick order finally arrived a couple of days ago and so that means my new set of brushes have arrived and so I am now armed and ready to get down to some serious painting!!!  I will see you tomorrow with my progress or if I can finish my hot zombie chick even better, I guess we will see what happens! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Faces in Town!

Sorry I have been absent the last few days from the blog and from the 29 Faces Challenge.  I must reassure you that I have not dropped out of the challenge but rather I have been very busy with a custom order I received a couple of days ago on Etsy for one of my handmade one of a kind Art Dolls/Soft Sculptures.  As I am sure most of you will understand, business must come first!  

I just needed a break from the sewing for a few minutes so I decided to sit down and have a tea and blog to fill you all in.  Besides painting I also make and sell what I call Oddlings.  Oddlings are all unique and one of a kind, creepy and yet cute all at the same time.  They are all up for adoption in my Etsy Shop and new ones arrive weekly.  I just love to make these little guys and gals, or maybe I should say big guys and gals for some of them! lol  They do grow up to 33 inches tall in some cases and the smallest being only 8 inches in diameter with no legs or arms and which I call these ones Oddballs (still members of the Oddlings Family) lol

I do have some new pics to share with you, 3 new Oddlings and 3 new Oddballs that just arrived this week in my Etsy Shop.  I will be sure to post pics later on this week when I have finished the custom doll as well.  Not sure it will count for a face, I mean it does have a face? lol 































Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 12 Face #7 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Well yesterday didn't go so well for me, I was seriously feeling under the weather.  The sun finally came out and so I pushed myself to get some photos done that have been piling up due to lack of sunlight so I couldn't pass up such a sunny day for anything.  After hours upon hours upon hours of photographing, editing and listing I was beat and feeling even worst then when I started.  Needless to say I went straight to bed!  I did get to invest another 6 hours into this WIP today though, and I am pretty pleased all in all with how its turning out.  Tomorrow I will put some hair on this zombie including eyelashes and add some scarring, stitches, open wounds, you know the gory stuff! lol
See you tomorrow!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 10 Face #7 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

Well this is embarrassing, you all will know my dirty little secret now!  lol  Yes, I am a bit OCD and yes this is another full 7 hours into the painting.  Now you know why I am so slow with my paintings.  I have this need for everything to be absolutely perfect and I tend to just get lost in the art and when I finally look up hours have passed and when I look back down I realize I haven't gotten very far at all.  Honestly though, I wouldn't want to change a thing about it, because the art work always turns out great in the end and I can honestly say that I enjoyed every second of it!  :)  See you tomorrow.... 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 9 Face #7 ~ 29 Faces Challenge

WIP still in the very early stages, she is going to be a hot zombie eventually, I know she looks a bit like an alien right now but that will change!  It's 4am and I am falling asleep as I paint, so calling it a night but I will be back tomorrow and will post what I get done.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Reproductions Available!

I now have a few of my favorite paintings that have long gone to new homes but are now available as a reproduction in my Etsy shop! 

4 x 6 Love Story Heart Water Reflection Moonlight Twilight Fantasy Dark Art Archival Reproduction Print EAWT
Available as 4" x 6" HERE

8 x 10 Blue Beauties Flowers Moonlight Twilight Fantasy Dark Art Archival Reproduction Print EAWT
Available as 8" x 10" HERE and if you are interested in any other sizes with this one then just Contact me on Etsy.

8 x 10 Love Birds Heart Moon Twilight Moonlight Birds On A Wire Fantasy Dark Art Archival Reproduction Print EAWT
Available as 8" x 10" HERE & 5" x 7" HERE also if you are interested in any other sizes with this one just Contact  me on Etsy.


Then lastly this mixed media piece and acrylic portrait which I just completed not too long ago and are going to be showing in my upcoming exhibition and therefore the originals are not for sale, but I do have them both now available as reproductions in my Etsy shop.
8x12 Mixed Media Reproduction Print Portrait Beautiful Girl Music Notes Brick Wall Flowers Day Dream Dreamy Fantasy - Dreamer EAWT
Available as 8" x 12" HERE as well you can Contact me for a different size other then the one listed.

5 x 7 Glamorous Diva Sultry Seduction Reproduction Print Portrait Beautiful Girl Dreamy Fantasy EAWT
Available as 5 x 7 HERE & 8 x 12 HERE as well you can Contact me for a different size other then the ones listed.