
Monday, October 31, 2011

3 New Oddlings...

Just listed in my Etsy Shop yesterday and just in time for Halloween!!!  Spot (blue & black leopard print), Spotty (pink & black leopard print),  Dotty (pink & white polka dots) & myself would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!  I have 3 more in progress but I have had to set them a side just til I get my 3 little paintings done in time for this Saturdays deadline for the Miniatures Show at the Leamington Arts Gallery.  I will post pics here when I have finished, should be the next couple of days sometime.  After all, they are miniature! lol

As for the 3 new Oddlings, one thing that sets these 3 a part from the rest I have done so far is that these ones have been made with absolutely no buttons anywhere on them.  After receiving several comments at the last show I did about buttons and young children, I decided to do a few young child friendly.  When I first started these Art Dolls I did not intend on them being for young children but that's not to say they shouldn't be able to enjoy them too. If you do see anything in the pics that resembles a button it is simply fabric cut and sewn on to look like a button.  These 3 also don't have the pierced ears and earrings like the last 3 did, I figured if buttons were bad then so were earrings. lol  So here are some individual pics of each one...

I hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween no matter what you have planned.  I just found out about my friend Natasha May's Halloween Linky Party so I am heading over there to mingle and might I suggest you do the same!  :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Change Is Great!

If you follow my work then you may have already seen the launch of my new line of Art Dolls/Soft Sculptures  into my Etsy Shop yesterday.  This is a brand new venture for me and only the beginning of many many changes to come to Oddball Art Co..

I have been listening to my customers and fans and have done a lot of serious thinking based on both requests from my fans and a need to grow as an artist.  The decisions that I have made are ones that I believe are only going to better Oddball Art Co. as a whole and help me to offer my fans more of what they want.  Over the next few months Oddball Art Co. will be going through a total reconstruction.  I wanted to share with you some of the decisions that I have made and changes that you are going to see.

All though it has always been my belief to keep my art completely original and one of a kind pieces, it just isn't practical in this diminishing economy that we are living in.  I understand that I have many fans out there that would love to own a piece or more of my art but just aren't in a position to buy an original piece of art from anyone.  I don't want to deprive these fans from getting to enjoy my art work.  I make art not only because I enjoy it but because I hope that someone else will be able to enjoy it for many many years to come.

With all of that being said it is now time to take the leap and start offering prints of my work.  I can sell prints at an more affordable cost and open the door for more people to enjoy the art work.  The prints that I will be offering will be limited edition numbered prints only and they will be printed at a reputable printers of fine art.  I will personally number, title, date and sign each and every one.  

I am in the process of getting set up to offer these prints in my Etsy Shop and hope that I will be able to bring this new and exciting change into effect very soon!

So prints and Art Dolls are only the first 2 changes and yes, there is still more! lol  If you have read my profile or know me personally then you may already know that well I taught myself how to paint, I did still attend College at Fanshawe in London ON for Fashion Design.  I must admit that the skills learned there have gone to waste over the past few years, but that is changing!

After racking my brain of how I can combine my painting skills with my sewing, pattern making and draping skills, I have come up with a fabulous line of hand painted fashion accessories and hand painted clothing.  Oddball Art Co. will be launching a new line of hand made and hand painted bags, purses, scarves, vests, skirts and much much more.  

Since Oddball Art Co. is only a one woman force, all of this change is going to take some time.  While I work on all of this new product I will still be creating new canvas paintings as well.  Certainly none of this is going to happen over night but it is in the works and I intend on adding to my Etsy Shop gradually and blogging about it every step of the way.

I would love to hear any comments, ideas, concerns or questions regarding any of the above and I will leave you with some photos of the new line of Art Dolls/Soft Sculptures I call Oddlings below...

I Had A Dream Last Night...

Another fabulous collection featuring members from the Etsian Artists Team of Etsy!

I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Far Out Show

I have been and currently am a busy bee with all the shows and projects I have on the go right now!  I just finished 3 pieces for a show at the Leamington Arts Centre titled the Far Out Show - This is an ANYTHING GOES Show! Open to all artists, any medium, any size. Abstract, bizarre, comical, surreal, sublime or anything at all!  The show will be open Oct. 12 to Nov. 5 with the opening reception being this Friday Oct. 14 from 7pm - 9pm.  If you are reading this and are local why not come by and check it out, should be an interesting show!

I have also been working on a new project making one of a kind art dolls, Oddball style of course! lol  I can't wait to share those with you but its still a little ways off.  I was so excited to start work on them though that I started when I was still working on the Far Out Show pieces and not finished yet, I have learned my lesson from this though and will never do it again.  Because of poor time management I was forced to pull an all nighter Thursday night in an effort to finish my paintings in time for the deadline and get my paintings to Leamington in time, I did and with 15 mins to spare! lol 

I did manage to score some photos before I brought them there as well, please forgive my poor lighting with these photos as I did not have anytime as you now know.  Hopefully I can possibly get some new photos before they sell, we will see, but for now these will have to do....

The Zebra Effect 1
16" x 16" x 1.5"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

 The Zebra Effect 2
16" x 16" x 1.5"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

The Zebra Effect 3
20" x 10" x 3/4"
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October Give Away

3" x 3" x .5"
Acrylic on stretched canvas
Miniture painted wooden frame easel included

Mandatory Entry
Leave a comment telling me what this painting inspires in you! *Please leave your email address in comment if it isn't visible in your profile* This entry must be done first before any extra entries will count.

Extra Entries
*You MUST leave a separate comment for each extra entry for it to count ~ 1 ENTRY = 1 COMMENT*
+1 Follow Oddball Art Co. via Google Friend Connect
+1 Give Oddball Art Co. a heart on Etsy
+2 Leave a comment on the Official Oddball Art Co.Webpage
+3 Visit my Etsy Shop and tell me something you like
+3 Add my button to your blog and leave link
+5 'LIKE' Oddball Art Co. on Facebook
+5 Follow Oddball Art Co. on Twitter
+8 Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your post in the comment
+10 Purchase something from Oddball Art Co. on Etsy

(1 comment = 1 entry)

*If you don't follow the mandatory entry your extra entries will be disqualified*

Winner will be picked by a random number generator from and the winner will be emailed and posted on this site. Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email or another winner will be chosen.
This giveaway will close at 11:59pm est. on October 31 , 2011 and is open to participants of all ages all over the world.
(Family members are excluded from entering this giveaway :( So sorry.)